Friday, August 21, 2020

Speech Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discourse Class - Essay Example Then again, unlawful activities give no advantage to the legislature, however authorization will acquire assessments and help control the tasks also. â€Å"It is evaluated that pot is the biggest money crop in California, with yearly incomes drawing closer $14 billion. A 10% pot assessment would yield $1.4 billion in California alone. A genuine weed financial boost package!† (Klein, Joe, 2009; â€Å"US Policy on Drugs†, n.d.; Wolff, Madeline, 2009) 1. â€Å"Cannabis being utilized as a treatment returns to China in 28 BC. Head Shen-Nung recommended cannabis for: beriberi, clogging, female shortcoming, gout, intestinal sickness, ailment, and missing mindedness† (â€Å"Marijuana Uses - Marijuana as Medicine†, 2009) Saad, Lydia. â€Å"U.S. Backing for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High.† 19 October 2009. 17 November 2009. Wolff, Madeline. â€Å"Legalizing pot can lessen wrongdoing, increment income for state.† 2009. 17 November 2009.

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